Friday, September 05, 2008

The Nature of One

A man must never deny his nature. If he does, in doing so he denies himself... but still people change...and so do their nature...why does it happen? Humans are really complicated..too complicated in fact...I used to try to listen...but the more i listened, the more confused i got...and so i gave up trying to understand and listen altogether...I just hate it when people complicate my life...But maybe...that is just my excuse after all...then again..because of my nature...i have acquired peace, solitary and serenity because i sacrificed complication...ah win some, you lose some...and so we learn some way or another that people will reveal their true nature when a crisis is at hand or they are on the verge of losing their dear if it does matter to the end we all find people are just plain selfish...for most guys, they become wuss asses the moment they face imminent danger, they become wolves when they see a gal they fancy...and they become hypocrites when they choose to shift the blame...and for the gals...if the guy is rich, she takes a fancy in you...if you are poor, then too bad, she wont even notice you...we are all parasites...trying to leech of each other in this world...and such a nature , we cannot deny.. (^^)v

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